
It is an obvious truth that the church is people and people are the church. The church is not the building, place or structure, but real people that has been called out of sin, darkness and the world. The true church of Jesus comprises of people that are blood washed, tranformed and have vital on going relationship with the Lord.
Furthermore, the church is not only for the saints, it is also for sinners. Sinners must be attracted to the church. Though they will come as they are, but they must not go back the way they have come. The church exists to bring sinners to the saving grace of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
The church is not a place for social and religious gathering, but a fellowship of souls that has been truly washed and made pure by the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. Such a church must attract people that will become saved in large numbers and continually turn them to disciples of Christ. It is when such is happening on regular basis that we can say the church is truly growing and expanding the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
What Kind of Church?
Today, there are different kinds of churches claiming authorisation from Christ. Different kinds of churches abound on the surface of the earth with different names, appelations and emphasis. While some are called Pentecostals, Charismatic, Orthodox and Catholic, others are referred to as Evangelicals, Baptists, Holiness and Indigeneous churches.
These names mean different things to many people and many wholesome and unwholesome practises abound in these churches. Yet, the truth is that the names, denomination and doctrinal preferences of a church does not really figure in the equation when people are searching for churches to attend.
Why People Bypass Churches
Rigorous research about churches over the years have confirmed that people are changing in their perceptions, views and tastes concerning churches as the year goes by.
People of today are quite different from people of 30 or 40 years ago. The way they see churches today are quite different from the ways they see them 40 or 50 years ago. The way people have decided to join churches today is remarkably different to the way their fathers and mothers joined churches 50 or 60 years ago.
Then, people joined churches based on the fact that "It is my home town church", "It is our family church", "I was born there". However, today, people do not take all these into consideration anymore when making a choice to join church or not.
These days, people sample, visit and take many factors into cognizance when they want to join a church. Today, people bypass many churches in the city centers to attend others in the outskirts of the city because they could not find what they are looking for in those churches in the city centers. I know of many churches that have empty buildings or half -filled halls over the years because people do not find them attractive enough to attend. Yet, those churches are surrounded by people that attend churches far away from their place of living.
In developing nations where there is so much poverty, disease, financial and economic problems coupled with bad leadership in government, people turn their hope to God. They see God as their only source of help and they therefore are willing to attend churches that have the right strategy to attract them. To attract such people to our churches, we must possess the right mix of factors in large measure and they must be open for all to see.
The Church That Attracts People.
Of course, not all churches attract the people of today. Too many churches repel and drive away people in many communities of the world today. Churches that are small, stagnant and strugling with growth should do well to ask themselves why they are not attracting sinners in large measure. I know of churhces that does not record up to 50 visitors in a whole year. And in many cases, those who visit will never stay, simply because they see things that repel them in their one time visit.
Churches and church leaders that are serious about growth must do things that will attract visitors to the church and retain them. If you do not attract visitors, you can not see growth in the church. Now, let's try to answer this question, what qualities do churches that attract people possess?
1. Authentic and Real
Churches that attract people must be real, genuine and sincere. People are looking for signs of genuity in churches before they join and become members. If they come for sometimes and fail to see authenticity in our lives, they feel disapointed and they leave in droves.
I know of churches that people attended enmasse initially, but when they began to see signs of hyprocrisy, phoney behaviours and fake claims in leadership, they started going away one after the other, untill only few people are left.
Churches that want to keep on atracting people must be real, genuine and practical in their Christian lives.
2. Competent and Growing Pastor
Church leaders must demonstrate honesty and sincerity if people must come to the church. If they do not see genuiness in the lives of pastors, how can they expect the church to be real? Today, people do not really trust pastors due to bad press and nasty stories of many fake and phoney ones. So, when they see a genuine and real pastor, they are pleasantly suprised.
When choosing a church, people place genuine, competent and growing pastor on top of their preferential list. They therefore watch, analyse and size-up the pastor to discover whether he is real or not.
If a pastor displays competency in handling issues, genuiness in his private and public life and growing skills in handling people, the church cannot but grow due to the confidence of people in him. The churches that attract people are the ones that have such pastors leading them.
3. Creative Approach
To become the church that attracts people, creativity is required. People detest churches that are bogged down by staus quo. They love churches that are change friendly. They love churches that initiate creative ways to reach out to the public. People still love to hear the truth of the gospel undiluted, and they desire that churches will be creative in the way they present them.
So, preaching the truth of the gospel through drama, visuals and non- threatening approach goes a long way to attract them. Churches that change their approach so as to meet people at their level will always attract people in large numbers.
4. Enthusiastic Love and Joy
People are attracted to churches that display contagious love for people and true joy of the Lord. Love for God, love for leadership, love for one another and love for sinners must always be open and real in the church if we are going to attract people. Not many people will join a church where the atmosphere is poisoned with bickering, hatred, animosity, backstabing and character assasination.
When the present church members do not love one another, visitors to the church will sense it and they will not stay. When we detest sinners that visit our churches and make negative comments with our facial expressions and body languages, they will surely not come back.
To really attract and retain people in the church, love must be in display. We must welcome and love the sinners as they are. In actual fact,we must love them into the kingdom. Guilt, condemnation and rejection must not be passed down to them. They are already under condemnation before they came to the church. We must be careful we do not add to it through our actions and inactions.
The joy of the Lord must permeate our lives and the church, genuine love must be in practise in the church, then we will attract those who will come to get saved by the Lord.
5. A True House of Prayer
People are attracted to churches that have strong prayer emphasis. Churches that pray and seek the face of God will always magnetise people. These prayers must not be empty rhetorics that accomplish little or nothing in the life and situations of people. But the prayers that touch heaven and bring results to the people. It is the prayers that are fervent, heartfelt, effective and result oriented. People have multivarious problems; both physical and spiritual, that require the power of prayer. Prayer ministry that addresses the felt and real needs of people cannot but attract them in large numbers.
Prayer draws down the hand of God into the church for mighty miracles, signs and wonders. Prayer draws down the power of God for mighty healings and deliverance. Prayer allows the Holy Spirit to work mightily to bring salvation, healing, liberation and freedom to people in the church.
When the church is a true house of prayer, then the days of God's power is here again. Churches that want to keep attracting people must build a very strong prayer ministry. Prayer for our Nation, leadership, the church and individual situations must be consistent, persistent and orderly. They must be prayers from pure hearts, godly motives, strong faith in God's promises and without doubts.
Conclusively, much more could be said in this chapter but permit me to lead you to the next chapter on effective strategies. If you could really make use and practise those strategies, your ministry will never remain the same and you will be able to attract people to your church in large numbers.