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Bringer of hope to a hopeless world.  

“The Season of the Lord”

“For these seasons are about to change. And this change that is about to come will indicate to you that the birth pangs have accelerated and the time draws near. And in this time I will make clear My purpose and My plan for you, My dear. For you are My beloved and I’ve prepared you for this day. You are My beloved and now it’s time for me to show you the way.”

“And as you seek Me and as you pray unto Me, then you allow Me to show you, and then you’ll begin to see that I have not forsaken this land. I will not move from this country for it is in My plan. But now I must ask that you yield yourselves to Me; for there are many things in this day and time that I’d like for you to see. For I’ll begin to show you and you’ll speak it out loud and men will begin to tremble. And they’ll cease in all of the foul.”

“The things that are foul in this place, that I have ordained as My land of grace, I’m about to turn around this day through you. Open your eyes and see and know. For these are the days where you’ll cause the enemy to tremble. Because of what I’ll show you and what you’ll see, others will be born again and their peace will be sound and strong, and ready for these last days. And you’ll find that it will become easy to persuade others to go this way.”

“But I need you to open your mouth and allow your light to shine. That’s the only way I’m going to cause those that are wicked to become mine. I need you to step out of your place of comfort zone and to come so that My love and glory can be shown. I need you to stretch out your hands and not to be afraid. I need you to prophesy and understand these days. For then shall many turn and follow this glory train into the place—the place of peace, the place where I cause calm to come and remain.”

“So now I need thee as you’ve needed Me. Through you, I’ll work. Through you, I’ll speak and through you, I’ll cause you to see. Oh, you’ll step out and you’ll show My love when others did not expect to come. But through y ou, I’ll work. Through you, I’ll love. Through you, I’ll raise from darkness.”

“So prepare yourself and I say again, I need thee. I need thee. Give Me your hands and I’ll heal. Move with your feet and walk in that place that I’ve called you to and I’ll deliver. Open your eyes and I’ll cause you to see and to speak to, and those who are blind will come to Me”

“For these are the days. This is the time. And the glory of Mine shall rise and rise. And I’ll work through you and you’ll manifest. And those who were down and thought they were less, but you’ll bring them up through the power and what I’ll reveal to thee. This is the time,” saith the Lord,“and I need thee.”

“So prepare yourselves and don’t be afraid and go to the places and say what I said. And say these words and speak these phrases and these things that I’ll give unto you. It’ll be amazing. It’ll be amazing as they see what I can do and just the word that I’ll reveal unto thee. And I’ll change the complexity of this place and people will come back to Me. So go ahead and get ready. This is the day. This is the time. Turn right now, for the lost shall be Mine. And I’ll use you and I’ll bring them through. And we’ll rejoice for the glory is at hand. And My hand be upon you, for this is My plan.”

“Now let’s walk. Let’s rejoice. And do not fear what you will see, for it is not what will be.” Hah, hah, hah, hah. “It is not what will be. For I am your God and I’m about to stand up strong, but it’s in you. I need thee. I need thee to lean on the everlasting arm. For I have this plan of Mine that I’ve kept in secret—a massive soul-winning time through you. You’ll be the beacon.”

“So get ready. It’s here. Walk in it and be glad. And I’ll say to those around you, you don’t have to be sad. For I’m about to change your situations and circumstances in a moment of this time. Hear Me, My children. This land will again be Mine,” saith the Spirit of the Lord. Amen.

“Strength to Move Forward”

“For these are the days that will require great courage,” saith the Lord, “great courage and strength to move beyond where you are. For I’ve already prepared the path and I’ve already prepared the steps, but only you can decide to move and walk in the way, in this particular groove.”

“For I’ll not leave you alone. On the contrary, I will be there with you to move you to that place. It is a place that I have ordained for thee. That place will also be a place that will set you free. But I cannot move you, for you are a moral agent and you have to come to Me. But in doing so, understand that you don’t have to be afraid or hindered by any man.”

“For I have prepared that place for thee. Come. Move. Walk towards Me and see. And you will walk in a freedom and a liberty that you didn’t think could be. But it is there,” saith the Lord. “It is there and I’m hungry to make you free. So, allow Me to show you these things that are of Me—these things that I grant to thee.”

“For they are real. They are alive and they are prepared, waiting for you. And I’ll be on your side. So don’t be afraid or wonder, How can this be? Just move with Me and then you’ll see. For I desire for My Shekinah glory to escort thee. Yes, and escort you to this place—this place that I’ve called unto thee. It is a secret place in My presence. It is a secret place with Me. So, come on up. That’s what’ll happen when you walk. You’ll find yourself on an elevator moving from one level to the other as you ought.”

“So now prepare yourself, for these days are clear. I will be with you. Your success is near. So let’s move. Come on, let’s go together. Don’t be afraid. For what I have prepared, I’ve prepared it for thee for many days. So be unstuck from the place that you reside in and come on over. And allow Me to lead you there, for I am your God. Be ready. These are your days. So rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for I will do what I have said. And you will not be sad,” saith the Lord. “Rejoice. It shall surely come to pass.”